Health and Monitoring Organization and Preparations
- Louis H. Hempelmann, M. D.
It is the purpose of the Medical Department to anticipate possible dangers to the health of scientific personnel, residents of nearby towns, and of casuals, to provide means of detection of these dangers, and to notify proper authorities when such dangers exist. It is also necessary to obtain records which may have medico-legal bearing for future reference.
The medical group will act in an advisory capacity and avoid direct orders to personnel except in cases of emergency. It is the responsibility of the Trinity Project Director to confirm or deny activities to scientific personnel which may be hazardous to them. It has been advised that no person should (of his own will) receive more than 5 R at one exposure.
Evacuation of towns or inhabited places will be carried out by G-2 personnel if necessary on advice from the Medical Department. Contaminated areas will be adequately marked and guarded until decontaminating procedures can be carried out.
Source: K. T. Bainbridge, Trinity, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, May 1976, LA-6300-H, National Technical Information Service